Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Update on Me

While I will continue to blog here once and awhile... I am blogging at Whole a lot right now- check it out! Thank you for your loyalty as readers- and I hope you have better sleepers!

Have a wonderful December!


Monday, November 2, 2009

Ahhh Sounds of Silence

Sounds of Silence is a baby settling and health guide in addition to soundtracks by Dr. Harry Zehnwirth, a pediatrician. This comes as a set and includes a condensed and informative book on baby sleep. I agree with the advice Dr. Zehnwirth shares, along with his advocating of white noise. He has a very realistic way of communicating through his book- he even challenges us to rely more on a very under utilized skill- intuition. The book covers sleep and health issues. Where it discusses sleep I am almost in complete agreement. The only two things that I differ slightly on are: total amount of sleep needed each day- it seems slightly low but just slightly, and the age a child can be sleeping through the night. He suggests 6-7 months, I have experienced it happening earlier on a pretty regular basis. BUT I highly recommend this book- it really covers many great areas and provides you with great information as you sleepily wade through the first months of being a new parent.

Not only can you use the soundtrack for home- you can put it on your computer, iphone, or some sort of traveling music player- then, whenever you have to put down your baby out you have their chosen white noise with you. I don't know how many times I have put a radio alarm clock on static or dealt with the interference in some alarm clock sound makers, or pulled a white noise track off the internet to play in the room with my child. This is a way that you can keep your white noise with you as you put your child down out.

*Make sure you read the HOW TO USE section. You need to play Sounds of Silence loudly!

They have generously given a set for a GIVE-A-WAY. Comment on this post to enter. The winner will be selected the last week of November.

Monday, October 26, 2009

A Great Swaddle for the sweet little newborns...

A swaddled newborn has to be one of the sweetest things... usually asleep, with all their amusing and adorable faces, tightly wrapped back to the coziness of the womb. Again, Merino Kids has done an excellent job creating a great product the Coocoi. This is a tight, easy to use swaddling blanket that is simple and made out of 100% Merino Wool- an amazing material. "Medical studies have found that babies and infants sleeping in or on merino settle more quickly, sleep longer, feed better, cry less and gain weight faster." I have used a number of good swaddling blankets. But I have had some issues with the baby getting too hot. Merino is great for that reason alone. "The main benefit of merino is its incomparable ability to maintain a comfortable micro-climate between body and bedding. Unlike synthetics, Merino breathes and controls moisture meaning that it has the natural ability to respond to changes in temperature. This unique garment property helps keep young ones cool when it is hot and warm when it is cold. "

If you have a new little baby I highly recommend checking out this swaddling blanket. If you have an older child check out their Go-Go bag for continued comfort and temperature control as your child ages. I have even had my three year old use one. It definitely makes a difference.

Check out this video for a video on use.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Teenage Sleep Dilemma

Teenagers need about 8.5-9.5 hours of sleep a night. For many teens it is difficult to fall asleep as early as they need to in order to get this needed sleep and making it to morning classes or just to school. As a parent you do need to advocate and set boundaries that encourage and promote your child getting this needed sleep.

Turning off tv/video games/computers an hour or two before bedtime, stopping exercise a few hours before, not eating or consuming caffeine a few hours before are all ways to help promote an easier trip to dreamland. Also, providing your child with an understanding of the importance of sleep can help (wait until they are in a receptive mood!). You may even encourage them to come up with a bedtime routine of sorts- shower or bath, brush teeth, read for a little bit before bed (not in bed) and then turn in for the night at a time that allows for their needed 8.5-9.5 hours of sleep.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Two Fun Products

iTurtle is a cute, fun speaker to plug an ipod, iphone, or the like into. It sways, bobs its head, and changes colors. Kids will get a kick out of it and have a way to blast their favorite tunes.

My Little Pony So Soft Newborn Sweetie Belle doll is a sweet little bedtime companion for your toddler who has suddenly become obsessed with babies, purses, and copying everything mommy does. As you put your sweetie to bed, she can put the Sweetie Belle doll to bed as well. Give Sweetie Belle her paci and off she goes to sleep.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Congrats to Merino Kids and Their New Safety Certification!!

I reviewed and raved about the Merino Go Go Bag earlier this year... here is some news on these great bags: "The Merino Kids Baby Sleep Bag is the first to be certified to the new sleep sack safety standard published by the British Standards Institute, which is the national standards body of the UK. In April it published a new standard specification for baby sleep sacks that gives minimum safety requirements relating to: chemical hazards, thermal hazards (overheating), entrapment, entanglement, choking, ingestion and suffocation hazards, structural integrity and flammability.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Question for You?

What are your school-age or teens biggest sleep struggles?

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Naptime is important. It gives your child the chance to recharge, and you the chance to get some stuff done and recharge as well. Please make sure that you have children nap. Children will stop napping between age 3 and 5. I encourage you to also continue with a rest time after naps have ceased- great for that necessary recharge.

How I knew my kids were ready to stop napping?

The transition from 2 naps to 1 nap happened the same for all of my kids. They kept taking their 9:30 nap and then wouldn't take their afternoon nap. At that point, I transitioned them to an afternoon nap and dropped the morning nap.

The transition from 1 nap to no nap also happened the same for all of my kids. They would take their afternoon nap fairly consistently, the amount of protest increased, and more often they would take longer to fall asleep. AND when they would take a nap, they wouldn't go to sleep at night at their usual 7pm bedtime- it would take them until 9 or 10pm to fall asleep. As that became more of the norm, I dropped the afternoon and opted for an earlier bedtime- I would have them go to sleep as early as 6:30pm during the transition. I would also have them lay down in their room and read books in the afternoon for a bit.

Share your nap transition story.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


According to the National Sleep Foundation, bedwetting, technically called "nocturnal enuresis", is not considered a problem until a child reaches the age of 5 to 6 years old and continues to wet their bed two or more times a night (bladder control at night is the last stage of the potty training process.)

So, why do some older children continue to wet their bed:
- it may just be maturity
- it may be a health problem
- if bedwetting starts up after they have been dry for months- it could be due to a psychological issue/stress

What should you do:
- if your child is still wetting the bed at the age of 6-7 you should consult your physician
- if your child is over 5 and wetting the bed 3-4 times a month you should consult your physician
- don't make your poor child sleep in pee night after night- use pull-ups or try the eco-friendly and underwear like Kushies Training Pants
- make sure going potty is part of your bedtime routine (start this as soon as your child is potty trained)
- limit evening beverages to help your child be more successful
- a reward system may work
- talk about it with your child


National Sleep Foundation
has more information if needed.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Question for You?

How old was your child when he/she stopped napping? How did you know they were ready or how did it happen?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tick-Tock Let Me Help You Choose a Clock

Different ages, different purposes... you may be in the market for a clock. Here are a few options to peruse:

My Tot Clock is a favorite product of mine; I really could go on and on. I have it in my three-year old son's room. This is a great tool for teaching little kids when it is time to go to sleep and when it is an okay time to wake-up. It also has many bonuses: a time-out timer, an encouragement timer, stories/music, white noise.

My son knows that the yellow light means it is okay for him to get up. He knows for his rest time he pushes the light blue button and has some quiet time in his room until it goes off (which I set for an hour), he knows that he pushes the red button for his time-out, he knows when it is time to clean his room he presses the green button and has that much time, and he knows that it is bedtime when the blue light is on.

The lights provide clear indicators of different behaviors for a child that cannot tell time. This could be a great solution to your child's too early wake-time. It also has a great development story behind it- check it out.

Readers can receive a 20% discount when using the CODE: LullabyLuna at checkout (only available 9/15-9/30.)

Once your child is older and is honing the skills of telling time a good choice may be the Teach Me Time! Talking Alarm Clock by American innovative. This clock has a time teaching game, is a nightlight, and an alarm clock with ok to wake nightlight timer. My older daughter thought it was a fun clock to play with. This clock would work especially well for a child telling time pretty well, who also needs to be woken up everyday.

And for your time aware child say "Hello Moshi". The Moshi Voice Controlled Alarm Clock can be a fun and effective clock to get you up and running in the morning. Along with the alarm, it features three sleep sounds to rock your teen to sleep, and time/date/and temperature. Make sure your child learns the voice activated commands!

Bedding FITTED for You

Olive Kids is a fun line of kids' bedding that was created to avoid the bedding options tied to popular TV and movie characters. The goal was to create affordable, fun bedding that promoted creativity and play. They offer a variety of prints that relate to the interests and dreams of the young: cowboys, mermaids, trucks...

Not only do they have a wide and appealing selection of prints they offer regular comforters and "huggers." As a mom, this "hugger" concept is wonderful. Every morning I have to retuck in my sons comforter around his mattress, and every night in his wild slumber it gets untucked. The hugger is the solution. It is hugs the mattress. "The hugger comforter is sewn at the foot and tailored to fit the mattress. The corners at the foot of the comforter wrap around so that the Hugger "hugs" the mattress." Not only does it make it easier for mom to make the bed. It also makes it easier for your child as they learn that big boy skill.

I highly recommend tucking your sweet little one into the soft Olive Kids bedding...

Monday, September 14, 2009

Kushies: Some Great Products for Naptime!!

Green and clean! Do you ever get tired of the waste of diapers and then pull-ups? Every night I put a pair of pull-ups on my three year old son and put him to bed. Some mornings they are dry and most they are wet. We tried being hardcore and just have him do undies- this did not work- weeks of changing sheets most nights- this was tiring for me and sad for him. My daughter never did pull-ups, but my son is a different child. We will transition to undies when the time is right, but for now I am trying to cut down on my environmental impact. So....

Kushies makes these great pull-on training pants. Reusable! Great feeling material! No leeks! And they feel like we are moving more towards undies...

And for all you mommies with a new baby another travel bed option by Kushies. This bed folds up very compactly. You could easily keep it in your car without decreasing storage space, or pack it in a suitcase. It can be used inside or outside (with its UV protective material). All ready for a nap at a friend's house or grandma's. Great nap-on-the-go solution.

And when your sweet baby grows out of the travel bed and into a portable crib. Kushies has an extremely soft portable play pen sheet to throw on (this is a great tip- you never know when drool, spit up, throw up, or some other bodily fluid will need to be cleaned from the portable crib.) These sheets are fully elasticized for a tight fit and come in a variety of colors and prints.

Readers can enter the code lunanap10 at checkout for a 10% discount.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

When Does School Start?

School has started- fun and exciting and busy to say the least. The rush of the morning- getting everyone dressed and fed and out the door on-time. The rush of the afternoon: school pick-up, extra activities, homework, reading, dinner, bedtime routine... the list just seems to grow as I run through my own nightly ritual... you can fill in the rest of the to-dos that exhaust the hours from the time the school bell rings until the time our child's head hits the pillow.

In all the busyness of the school year we often forget about our children's necessary sleep or by virtue of the busyness it gets pushed aside as we try to get it all done (an aside: is that even possible?)

I encourage you to know how much sleep your child needs on a daily basis to function as a kind human that is able to focus and perform at school and home. I also encourage you to make it a PRIORITY that they get that sleep and when they don't that you make sure that they make it up.

This is a great table to help you figure out about how much sleep your child needs, from the National Sleep Foundation:

Friday, September 11, 2009

Question for You?

Do you have to wake your child up in the morning? Or do they have enough time to wake up on their own?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Nap 26 Winner!

D you are the Nap26 winner! Please email me your contact information, so I can send it out to you.

Earth Mama Tea Winner

Bella won the Earth Mama Peaceful Tea. Congratulations!!

Queen B Winner

Congratulations to Dawn- the winner of the Queen B!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Oh Sweet Sleep, How I Miss You!

Oh sweet sleep
I miss you so much
I wake every hour to pee
A drop
I wake every night to a stab below the knee
Leg cramps- I won't miss you!
and Pee
Oh to avoid you?
I walk, I stretch, I drink
And yet I wake and I wake to each little ache
Please oh body give me a break!

*I challenge you to write your own poem to the sleep you miss during pregnancy and easily show me up!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Question for You

Q: Tell us about a crazy/interesting pregnancy dream.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Suzy is a mother of a little boy who is 2 1/2. She is due in September with another little boy Here she shares her struggles and perspective on sleep during pregnancy.

Sleep has always come easy for me. I fall asleep easy, sleep through almost anything and never have a problem getting up. Being 7 1/2 months pregnant has challenged me in this department. I find I have to stay up way later then I normally would in order not to wake up at 3:00am unable to go back to sleep. I have to wake up to go to the bathroom several times and seem to toss and turn all night. I don't sleep 8 hours straight which is very unusual for me. I am lucky in that I can take a nap when my 2 1/2 year old son does and that seems to make up the difference. I use a body pillow, It's full length and helps to make sleeping more comfortable and even when I turn it feels better to have the little bit of support against my back. I usually take a nap on the couch for the same reason... to be able to support my back . I figure the kind of sleep I'm getting now prepares me for the 0-3 months with a newborn. I know with my son those first couple months sleep was more like "survival sleep". It does serve to remind you what a blessing a good nights sleep can be.

Monday, August 17, 2009

ZZZZZZZs- Are You the Pregnant Snorer?

Snoring during pregnancy is normal- so if this a new habit of yours- don't worry it to will pass, as will most of the other pregnancy intruders. If this is causing marital distress you can try to explain that this will be short lived. I'm sure your husband will understand! But, if you want to give a new, all natural product a try... snoring may subside earlier than 40 weeks.

Silent Snooz is a "a unique, one-size-fits-all, v-shaped nasal dilator with oval ends that fit comfortably onto the base of the nose. The strength of the dilator was designed to exert sufficient, gentle, "barely there" pressure to effectively open the nasal passages." So, if you and your partner are losing sleep over too many booming zzzzzzzzs I would give Silent Snooz a try. It comes in three scents: Eucalyptus, Lavender, and Fragrance Free. Price: $12.99 (you can use for 30 days)

Comment on this post for the chance to win your very own Silent Snooz!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Pillows They Make Sleep So Much Better

Finding a great body pillow or pillow arrangement is key to a comfortable nights sleep!

Snoozer is a great brand that I have recently become familiar with. They offer a variety of sizes and shapes for pillows great for pregnancy and even after. They are also available in synthetic and natural goose down fillers, as well as in a CoolBreathe memory foam. If you are looking for a full length body pillow the DreamWeaver is a great option- it can be used in place of a pillow due to its curve or with a pillow. You can also wrap it around you and you it as a nursing pillow when the baby is born. If you are not looking for a full body pillow the Snoozer Upper Body pillow and Snoozer Jr. are good options. These pillows are all remarkably comfortable, easy to move and adjust while sleeping, and useful after birth.

Boppy also makes the Boppy Cuddle Pillow. It is designed to be positioned between your legs and your belly. It provides more support than a regular pillow helping your spine to stay aligned as you sleep on your side and provide tummy support.

There are many great options for making your sleep during pregnancy more manageable. You will need to find the one that works best for you, your sleep positions, and your body. I suggest trying it out while it is still in the package and return as needed. You may even want to purchase a few in your desperation to have a good night sleep 'tonight' and return the ones that don't work.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Tips for NORMAL Sleep Problems in Pregnancy

1. Can't Get Comfortable: Try to create a sort of nest of pillows or find a body pillow that works for you, sleep on your left side.

2. Frequent Urination: Limit the amount you drink before bed and make sure you completely empty your bladder before laying down!

3. Heartburn/Indigestion: Avoid foods that trigger it, eat smaller meals more frequently, chew-chew-chew, don't eat a couple hours before bed, elevate your head when it is bothering you, talk to your doctor about it.

4. Insomnia: Don't just lay in your bed counting sheep to 1000- only lay there for up to 30 minutes, go do something calming and then try again, don't stress or worry about it- relax!, think about your bedtime routine each night.

5. Leg Cramps: Stretch throughout the day, try to slowly move your legs when you wake up and don't do a big stretch right away, exercise/walk daily, lie on your left side to increase circulation, Drink Water!, relax, tell your doctor.

6. Snoring: Try a product like Silent Snooz it may just work for you, sleep on your side, keep weight gain to the recommended amount.

7. Vivid Dreams: Share them, laugh at them.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Question for You

Q: What was the worst thing about sleeping while pregnant?

Monday, August 10, 2009

Earth Mama 'Peaceful Mama Tea' Give-A-Way

To enter: Go to the Earth Mama Angel Baby website and find a product that interests you- comment on the product on this post.

Also, check out Earth Mama's Herbal Remedies for Sleep Problems.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Before Snuggling into Bed for a Rocky Nights Sleep

Pregnancy is not the time in your life where sleep is usually categorized as "awesome". Pregnancy begins with peeing throughout the night, leg cramps, heartburn, indigestion, and waking to morning sickness and an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion that increases throughout the day until you finally find yourself in a pile on the couch barely able to lift your head. (Maybe somewhat of an exaggeration but not by much).

Sleep can become very frustrating, so I encourage you to create a bedtime routine that focuses on you and relaxation before turning off the lights. Figure out a routine that helps you forget the worries and stresses of life and just quietly revel in the little life growing inside of you.

Here are a few products you may want to incorporate into your bedtime routine:

Begin your routine with a warm bath (not too hot) and let the days activities melt away. Bubble and Bee makes a wonderful, Chemical free, 100% Natural, Organic Fresh Lavender Shower Gel (beyond safe for you and your growing baby). It has a soothing smell and smooth feel with a great lather.

After your bath where all your worries evaporate!! Rub on some of Bubble and Bee's Organic Body Butter- this comes in an Unscented formula for those with the sensitive pregnancy nose. I remember hating any sort of smell when I was going to sleep or really during my entire pregnancy. Unlike many body butters this one absorbs into the skin without leaving a greasy feeling. And if pregnancy does not make you shy away from fragrance they have some lovely smelling options.

Another wonderful after body lotion, with a little smell, is Sweetsation Therapy's Organic Ellasti Body Hydrating Caviar Butter. It is full of all kinds of good stuff for your skin, has a light citrusy scent, and goes on smooth leaving your skin feeling soft. The citrus essential oil scent is said to be helpful in relieving stress and tension- exactly what you want to do as you wind down. (For a 20% discount on products use Code: 112093109 at checkout, expires 12//31/09).

After the bath, you will be cozy in pajamas and ready to settle down to a book and a cup of Organic Peaceful Mama Tea from Earth Mama. This tea is USDA certified 100% Organic; it will help you calm your mind and relax. "Formulated with tension easing lemon balm, calcium rich oat straw, calming chamomile, and a whiff of red raspberry leaf and orange peel to ensure a comforting cup." It really is the perfect end to your sleep routine!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sunday Sleep Dilemma: Leg Cramps

Q: Are leg cramps during pregnancy normal?

A: Yes, I have many many memories of the jolting pain of a leg cramp waking me up in the middle of the night or the pain first thing in the morning. I even had a dream once (got to love pregnancy dreams) where I was being chased through my parent's house while it was under construction by some one, and he stabbed me in my leg... wake to find myself holding my cramped leg.

I found that not flexing my legs in the morning helped the leg cramps I got in the morning. I always tried to stretch my leg slowly pointing and flexing my foot until the cramp loosened. Other than that, I didn't really find much relief- unless you call saying "Ow Ow Ow" and grabbing my husband's arm relief.

Some suggestions from the professionals: exercise/walk daily, stretch throughout the day, focus on good circulation, drink lots of water, limit the amount of time you sit cross legged, take a warm bath to relax.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Pregnant Mama Shares

Susan, mother of two sweet children (4 and 2) with a baby due in the next week shares her sleep issues as pregnancy comes to a close.

As I write this, I’m in my 39th week of pregnancy, it’s 3 AM… and I’m awake. Pretty standard fare these days.

While exhaustion besets me for much of the day, I’m usually awake for an hour or two each night between 1:30 and 4 AM. Unlike many pregnant women at my stage, it’s not primarily discomfort or tossing and turning that keeps me awake at night… I just wake up and can’t go back to sleep. Hormones, perhaps, or some kind of strange psychological ramping up for those coming night feeds – who knows? After about 20 – 30 minutes of lying awake in bed I get up to read or otherwise distract my brain for a bit before returning to sleep. Lately I’ve been finding that while I can’t sleep during these hours, I can’t not sleep in the early afternoon during my preschool-age kids’ naps. Exhaustion takes over and my brain and body simply shut down.

I’m fortunate not to struggle with back pain, heartburn, leg cramps, or any of the other major sleep-related problems that women in the final days of their pregnancies. Just the standard miniscule bladder that drives me to the bathroom every 2 – 3 hours and the obligatory three pillows (one for head, one for belly, one between legs) littering the mattress around my sleeping body. I do have a body pillow but have recently been finding the multiple individual pillow approach more comfortable.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Product Review:

Moody Mamas is a company that makes pregnant and breastfeeding mamas feel "empowered, vivacious, and sexy." This cute nightie is one example of how they have accomplished that goal. It is made from the softest modal and spandex. It comes in a pretty pink with black lace accents. This is a great summer addition to your pregnancy wardrobe that can also be used after birth for breastfeeding. (It has concealed nursing slits.) Price: $68 (and take a minute and check out Moody Mamas Steals and Deals as well as the rest of their clothing line- very impressive).

Bumbleride Queen B Give-A-Way

All subscribers are eligible to win a Bumbleride Queen B Stroller and Bassinet this month.

To win: Make a comment on this post AND subscribe to LullabyLuna.

Bumbleride Queen B is a great stroller worth over $500.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Mama and Papa Bedtime Routine: Fun new product to soothe YOU to sleep

I have recently found a handful of pampering products that make you feel relaxed and ready to drift off to sleep. You can make them a part of your bedtime routine.

Begin the wind down of your evening an hour or so before your actual bedtime.

Isn't it nice to wash away the worries of your day and soak in silence as you get ready to sleep. I highly recommend DANI bath's Lemongrass Lavendar vitamin bath soak. It has a wonderful and calming fragrance, a skin nourishing feel, and gives you a wonderful reason to relax in a hot bath. It is made out of sea salt, aloe vera, mango seed oil, and vitamins A, E, and C

Ole Henriksen makes invigorating night gel that "contains a concentrated complex of alpha hydroxy acids, this powerful treatment gel will help you wake up to a brighter, more luminous complexion." It also has the benefits of being an all natural product that can help smooth and refine the texture of your skin. A great addition to your nightly bedtime routine.

I like to follow up the night gel with the best smelling night cream. I fell in love with this product the first time I used it. Sweetsation Therapy makes Organic Aqua Tica Botanical Night Cream. "This cream feels like thick water on your face, with Sea Kelp, Spirulina and Cucumer, providing continuous hydration to your skin all night long." It also contains a combination of essential oils that add nourishment, elasticity, suppleness, delay the aging process, take away dead skin cells and speed up renewal. "The relaxing blend of essential oils will put your mind in a happy place therefore helping you relax and drift to sleep." This is a wonderful organic product for before, during, and after pregnancy. (For a 20% discount on products use Code: 112093109 at checkout, expires 12//31/09).

After washing your face and brushing your teeth, light a candle, sit back with a book, and let your husband massage your feet.

DANI bath also makes a 100% soy wax candle that also comes in the calming Lemongrass and Lavendar scent. Continue your relaxing bedtime routine with this wonderful aroma wafting through the air.

And Sweetsation Therapy has an aromatherapy citrus scented massage oil. Baby Sweet Kisses Bottoms Up organic after baby bath soft massage oil can be used on your feet or your sweet baby's feet or whatever else needs massaging. It is made to moisturize, regenerate, and condition the skin with a blend of Sunflower Oil and Coconut Oil.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Aromatherapy- Can It Help Me Sleep?

Aromatherapy sounds nice- you associate it with candles, day spas, and massage... relaxation- ahhh! But, what do all those pleasant scents actually do to your senses? With a little more information we may be able to help ourselves calm down as the day ends and sleep approaches. Although, aromatherapy is not a proven science, it may be fun to figure out what helps calm you down at the end of the day, here are a few scents that may give you the sense of relaxation.

Lavendar: feelings of contentment, mild sedative and calming effects, soothes babies, soothes new mothers, promotes sleep

Ylang-Ylang: decreases alertness, promotes calmness, reduces stress, un-wind, destress

Lemon: anti-depressant effects, stress relief

German and Roman Chamomile: can help with insomnia and anxiety

Jasmine: relaxes, soothes

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Kids are Down, My Teeth are Brushed, and I Slip into My Sheets

I love new sheets, freshly laundered sheets, crisp sheets, soft sheets. Isn't it the best feeling to lie down after a guaranteed tiring day onto a bed freshly made (probably by you). And isn't it better when you have good quality, crisp sheets, that smell like they were just laundered (by you too). I have recently reviewed some top quality sheets that I absolutely adore!

Pottery Barn's Organic 400-Thread-Count Supima Sheet Set is wonderful. Nice, soft organic fabric in three tasteful colors is just what you want to cuddle up with as you drift to sleep tonight. It also has a wonderful feature that I love as the primary bed maker in my house. This special little inner pocket that your pillow slips into, so no more pillows falling out of the opening- it keeps it "concealed and in place".

Coyuchi also makes great organic sheets. They come in a variety of styles and colors. I personally love their white lace sheets- with a very simple row of lace incorporated into the 7 inch attached hem. They also offer a standard pillow case or envelope style pillow case. These sheets have a very crisp and linen feel that I love. Use the coupon code: lullaby luna at checkout and receive 15% off your entire purchase.

Karen Neuburger also provides a luxurious sheet set. 100% Cotton Sateen leaves you drifting to sleep in some of the smoothest sheets I have ever experienced. Soft, durable, and breathable- what more could you want in a sheet. They also come in bamboo fabric.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My Top 10 Sleep Tips for Parents

1. Prioritize your children's sleep- they need it and you need it. This is the only way for you to get good sleep!! If you need help to make this happen- get it!!

2. Now, make your sleep a priority. Come up with a daily routine of 'to dos' so you have an efficient plan every night to get stuff done and not continue the endless list of 'to dos' late into the night. Take the time to wind down every evening and go to bed with enough time to get a full night's sleep.

3. Just like you make sure your children's sleep environment is quiet, cool, and comfy- make sure yours is too. Make sure you have a good pillow. Make sure you let your room cool off on those hot summer nights. Make sure your room is quiet- try a sound spa or white noise machine.

4. Many of us have tvs in our room and will sit in bed and watch tv or read in bed until you fall asleep. It is suggested that the bedroom is used only for sleep and sex. If you struggle with falling asleep at night, I would make a point of cutting out extra bedroom uses.

5. Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol close to bedtime.

6. Exercise! Exercise is a great way to prepare yourself to fall asleep at night. But, make sure you finish 2-3 hours before lights out.

7. Nix the bedtime snacks or that bowl of ice cream before crawling into bed. It is best to finish eating a couple hours before hitting the sack.

8. Don't end your night by pushing the off button on the tv. Try to read, take a bath, talk to your husband... as part of your wind down time. Turn off the tv an hour before going to bed.

9. Avoid stressful conversations in bed or right before bed. You want to go to bed relaxed and ready for dreams of sugar plums. I know this from personal experience- you will miss out on your much needed sleep as you process these issues. Save them for an earlier hour.

10. If sleep issues continue talk to a doctor or other sleep specialist.

YOUR Bedtime Routine

You have your kids bedtime routine down: bath, pajamas, teeth, story, kiss and hug, and lights out. Then, you race off to clean up dinner, throw a load of laundry in, check email, and before you know it, it is 10pm, and you haven't taken any time for yourself. So, you sit down in front of the television, and watch Gray's Anatomy for an hour. And scurry off to get ready for bed, where you skip flossing because you are beat and you want to try and get your needed 8 hours of sleep.

Now in bed, you toss and turn as you try to quickly forget the trials and triumphs of the day and ignore the 'to dos' of tomorrow. Finally, you drift to sleep 45 minutes later as you try not to forget you are supposed to bring snack to preschool in the morning.

STOP!! We all need to stop. We are probably all guilty of this psychotic parent behavior. We need to create our own bedtime routine. We need to relax and calm down, take frantic down a few notches, and revisit the days when life was simpler. Don't remember? Well, let's start from scratch.

Some things to consider as you develop a nighttime routine:
1. What time do you need to get up? If you need to get up at 6am- figure out your bedtime by subtracting 8 hours... hmm- 10pm... yes, your new bedtime.
2. Turn off the TV, computer... an hour before bedtime- thank goodness for DVRs right?
3. Avoid exercising 3 hours before bedtime, especially if you are one to struggle with falling asleep at night.
4. Follow this routine weekdays and weekends.
5. What is your bedroom like? You want it to be dark, comfortable, and cool. You may also want to consider a fan, sound spa, or other white noise maker to help drown out outside noises and possibly your mind.
6. Plan your dinner time earlier- you want to be done eating 2-3 hours before bedtime.
7. Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol.

Now, what should you include in your bedtime routine- some things to consider:
  • Bath or shower- use some nice aromatherapy bath salts
  • Journaling to clear your full mind
  • Reading a book- make sure it a relaxing book
  • Playing a game with your husband or talking about your days
  • Listening to relaxing music
  • Taking the time you need to wash your face, brush your teeth...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Nap 26 Give-A-Way


Subscribers may comment on this post for the chance to win a Nap 26 mp3 unit. Please pass it onto friends- this is a great product- don't miss out!!

Happy napping,

*Contest ends August 1.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Nap time, who has time for a nap?

Do you take naps? Besides when you are pregnant?

Naps can be very refreshing in the middle of the day. But, really who has time for one? You just have to push through that hump and get everything done... What if you could take a 26 minute nap and feel totally refreshed and really ready to complete your 'to do' list?

Nap26 is a solution to the needed sleep and refreshment we could all use in the middle of the day but don't have the time. Nap26 "uses binaural beats to train the brain to relax and to awaken without the risk of grogginess. A scientific digital modulation process inserts precise pulses and beats that the brain hears." It sounds like you are listening to a waterfall/white noise. This is a nice way to fall asleep and distract you from that gosh darn list.

The great part is that it works, and it wakes you up 26 minutes later. I have done this so many times and almost every time I wake up thinking that I didn't go to sleep and that it didn't work because my ipod is silent. Funny thing is that when I look at it- I realize that it completed the 26 minutes and now I am awake just like it says it is to work. I have shared this when many people and they have had the same experience- thinking that it didn't work and then realizing the 26 minutes has passed.

Why nap?
"Frequent and regular short-term naps under 30 minutes have been shown to:

• Increase Performance and Productivity
• Improve Ability to Concentrate and Focus
• Reduce Stress and Moodiness
• Improve Health & Vitality
• Improve capacity for Memory & Learning
• Stimulate Boost Creativity"

Note: Must be used with ear phones.
Cost: $15

Keep a look out for a Nap26 Give-a-way

And check-out Easy2Sleep- another product that helps you relax and fall into a deep sleep.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

I Want to Sleep Alone!!

Q: How do I keep my bed to myself? One kid or the other seems to always be coming in during the night and getting into bed with us...

A: As hard as it is to peel your tired body out of bed, you have to do it. You have to escort that sweet little munchkin right back to their bed. Tell them it is still bedtime, and they need to go back to sleep in their own bed. You need to be consistent about this and stick to your guns if you want them to stay in their bed and out of yours.

In September, I am reviewing a few different clock options that can help your child understand when it is sleep time and when it is okay to be awake time.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Question for You

Q: What do you lose sleep over? Let us know. And how do you deal with it?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Eating, Exercise, and Sleep

Q: I eat pretty healthy, at least try to, and I try to exercise... Why don't I feel good?

A: We want to feel good- good about ourselves, and just good. We want our bodies to feel healthy. No one wants headaches, backaches, leg aches... To feel good we need to eat well and exercise, but we also need to get a good night sleep. "One thing sleep specialists and doctors know is that adequate sleep is necessary for healthy functioning."

Q: I sometimes have a hard time going to sleep at night after exercising, when should I exercise?

A: "A good workout can make you more alert, speed up your metabolism and energize you for the day ahead, but exercise right before bedtime can lead to a poor night’s sleep. All the jumping jacks in the world won’t make up for a night of tossing and turning! Sleep experts recommend exercising at least three hours before bedtime, and the best time is usually late afternoon. Exercising at this time is beneficial because body temperature is related to sleep. Body temperatures rise during exercise and take as long as 6 hours to begin to drop. Because cooler body temperatures are associated with sleep onset, it’s important to allow the body time to cool off before sleep." (According to the National Sleep Foundation) You will have to figure out when exercise can best fit into your schedule- early in the morning, in the afternoon, a few hours before bedtime? There are many considerations as a parent: child care, getting dinner on the table, getting kids in bed, etc. It is no wonder how this ends up right before bedtime.

Q: I know I don't get enough sleep. I am always tired and I try to combat my tiredness with coffee? Is this okay?

A: It is very tiring and busy to be a parent. We always have things to do and then more things to do. Our 'To Do' is never completed, and we would always like to have some more free time to enjoy some of our own hobbies. But, we also need to listen to our bodies and stop. We need to realize that our 'To Do' list will never get done and chill. We need to make sleep a priority! By making sleep a priority- we are going to be able to stop relying on a caffeinated pick me up (or two or three or??) to get us through the day. "In fact, lack of sleep creates a vicious cycle – the more tired you are, the more caffeine you’ll consume to stay awake during the day; but the more caffeine you consume, the harder it’ll be to fall asleep at night. Not only are foods and drinks high in caffeine likely to keep you up at night, but they’re also usually replete with sugar or artificial sugar and not much else. When a healthy snack such as a carrot or granola bar is replaced with a can of Mountain Dew, you’re at higher risk for putting on weight and it becomes harder to sustain energy for a longer period of time." (National Sleep Foundation)

Take the time for yourself to exercise at least a few times every week, eat healthy (it is good for your kids too), and get the sleep you need to be the healthy, happy, and clearly functioning mamas and papas we need to be.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Product Review: Casablanca PJ by Natori

What mom doesn't want to feel pretty, yet cozy at the end of the day?
Natori has a buttery soft pajama set called the Casablanca PJ. It’s extremely comfy and light with gorgeous lace detailing so Moms can feel feminine and pretty at the same time. It is made from 65% Modal and 35% Polyester making it a very smooth, soft fabric. I highly recommend finding something comfortable to wear to enhance your sleep environment. I love a new pair of soft pajamas that just melt to your skin- the Casablanca PJs do that! It retails for $160.

Sleep Ponderings From Us: As Her/His Head Hits the Pillow...

As Mom's Head Hits the Pillow: Most nights I am tired and ready to go to sleep, but some nights as my head hits the pillow my mind is racing. Racing with what I have to do tomorrow, what kind of parent I want to be, areas I need to work on, things I want to write about... Nights like this make it very hard to fall asleep and get the sleep I need so desperately to be the non-cranky, ready to deal with excited children, patient, loving mom I want to be. And yet my mind races as much as I tell it to turn off. Some nights I just pull out a piece of paper and write down all of my thoughts to clear my mind and expedite sleep. Some nights I get up- especially if the husband has started snoring- and go do something- especially if it is a something that is making my mind race. Some nights I just wait, or count sheep as I reach for the realm of sleep.

As Dad's Head Hits the Pillow: There is always something on my mind. If I'm not worried about work or bills or my children or other heavy life situations I get to dream a little. Dreams range from surfing to fly-fishing to farming, but they always settle me into a peaceful sleep. Having experienced the stress of owning a company and zero-income months I've become a pro at interrupting stressful thoughts and replacing them with good dreams. If I can't seem to shake a bad thought I get up and read or journal.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sunday Sleep Dilemma: Stress and Sleep

Q: How much does stress effect our sleep?

A: According to the National Sleep Foundation not all insomnia is due to stress but it is highly probable. "Stress causes insomnia by making it difficult to fall asleep and to stay asleep, and by affecting the quality of your sleep. Stress causes hyperarousal which can upset the balance between sleep and wakefulness." So, the solution is easy right? You remove the stress and you remove the insomnia. This is true- but is it that easy? Can you remove the stress?

Some tips on resetting your sleep from the National Sleep Foundation:
1. Set your bedtime and waketime according to the number of hours you are currently sleeping. If you are sleeping six hours for example go to sleep at 12am and wake up at 6am. Then, gradually increase the amount of time you sleep by 15 minutes or so every few days.

2. Take some time for yourself and relax before bedtime. Your brain actually needs this cool down period before going to sleep- NSF suggests beginning this process 2 HOURS before you plan on going to sleep. I am certain this is atypical for most parents- but give it a try! We are better parents when we are well-rested. Stop phone calls, email, work... and an hour before bed stop TV. Ideas for filling this time: bath, reading, playing a game with your husband, listening to music...

3. Only use your bedroom for pleasant activities. You don't want to feel anxious or tense when you go to bed.

Some tips on reducing stress:
-Avoid or limit caffeine- it can actually enhance stress levels and effect your quality of sleep.
-Take a bath and read a book
-Exercise- but not too close to bedtime
-Sex- known to be a tension reliever
-Take a mid-day nap (check out Nap 26 next Monday)
-Get a hug, give a hug
-Daydream- better yet daydream in a hammock
-Take up a hobby to help you unwind in the evenings: drawing, painting, writing, playing music. singing, gardening,...
-Take a walk
-Eat a balanced diet, limit caffeine and alcohol
-Play a game

You need sleep to function well. Take the time to let go of stress, take some time for yourself, and do what you need to do to get adequate sleep. Most of the things that cause you stress and cause you to busy yourself can wait until tomorrow.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


In my five years of parenting and three children, I have owned a fleet of strollers: a couple umbrella strollers, a single jogger, a single travel system stroller, a double all-terrain stroller... I have gotten rid of strollers, bought new strollers, and at this point I don't feel like I have one stroller that meets my needs best. What is my point? When you go to buy a stroller, you need to take many things into consideration for you. Your best friend may tell you that x is the best stroller in the world for a list of reasons and it may be a great stroller, but it may not be the best stroller for you.

You need to think about number of kids, stroller purpose(s)-travel, are you on-the-go, your size and stride, storage space, vehicle space, where you will use it, weight of the stroller, accessories/options... And you thought deciding to have a baby was a difficult decision.

Here are a couple of stroller options that may be right for you. All of these strollers take travel and sleep-on-the-go into consideration. Don't miss a nap! You can easily create a sleep environment similar to yours at home in a cozy bassinet attachment by adding a sound spa for white noise, a blanket for darkness, a swaddled baby for comfort (or unswaddled for our older travelers) and off you go into the world of well-rested baby while not missing out on the family vacation or other summer outing.

One option, the Micralite Toro has many great features that could make it the stroller for you: It is a great looking stroller, with great color options, and waterproof woven fabric. It has a nice, smooth ride which is great for sleep. It is light weight, a mere 19 pounds- weight is a big consideration when stroller shopping, especially when travel is considered. It easily folds up and stands alone with a locking feature for compact storage- great when you are staying in a hotel or filling a car with all of vacations' necessities. You can easily steer with one hand- a must when you have another child or luggage in tow. It fits through small spaces nicely and turns around tight corners. The seat moves from a full recline to upright. You can also use your Maxi Cosi car
seat with it, or buy an adapter to use other car seats, after removing the standard seat. It also has optional all-terrain wheels if you want to travel with four
all-terrain wheels instead of just two. It comes equipped with air
pump, all weather hood, foot muff, and zip on rain cover.

The Toro has an optional, cushy carrycot for sleeping or newborn comfort- imagine your baby sleeping soundly as you meander through an art museum or antique shop or walk along the beach or stop at a cute little cafe for some brunch. The mattress is large and nicely padded. It comes with a boot-like cover and has a shade. Not only can you use the carrycot for sleep on-the-go, you can also use it as a travel bed for non-rolling babies at a hotel, while camping, or a nap at grandma's house. The carrycot really makes it a great travel option.

Some things to consider that may not make it the match for you: It is pricier- but after all my stroller purchases, I have come to realize that you get what you pay for! The sun-shade is short. The basket is on the smaller size (but honestly I have never been that impressed by many stroller baskets size or accessibility- especially when you are looking for a more compact stroller). The seat is smaller- yet my 3 year-old and 5 year-old both fit in it. You have to use a provided Allen wrench to adjust the handle bar height. It does not have drink or snack trays for adult or child. You should check out how it works with your walking stride, especially if you plan on using it for exercise. It worked fine for me, but there is a chance you could kick the tires since they are set close together.

Sleep Tip: Get the carrycot! Use the boot, cover, and a lightweight blanket to make the ultimate sleep environment. Add a sound spa for added effect and lasting sleep.

My favorite things about the Toro: Narrow frame, overall look, handle bars- easy to maneuver and push with one hand, nice ride, and the awesome carrycot!

If you decide that the Toro is the stroller for you, you can buy it online or at a store near you.

Another "On-the-Go" stroller option is the Bumbleride Queen B. It is a pram style stroller, that comes in ruby and lava. It has great handling on and off the road thanks to the fully inflatable wheels- the front wheels rotate while the back wheels are stationary- it also has amazing shocks. As you meander through your neighborhood or town feel free to stop at the grocery store- it has a huge storage tray- you could squeeze three bags of groceries in easily. And if you are planning on having more children you can actually turn the B into a double stroller by adding on the toddler seat attachment. Another unique feature, that I always dreamed about having on a stroller with my first child is a reversible seat- face you, face out- and it is easy to adjust!
The seat fully reclines and the foot rest can be put down or all the way up- making a somewhat bassinetlike space. It also has a full covering sun shade- a great feature! You can also use many
seats with
it, It comes equipped with rain cover, footmuff, bumper bar, cup holder, and infant seat safety belt.

Let me tell you, when my youngest daughter was riding around in this stroller she was as happy as a clam- she was well supported in a Lazy Boy like seat, up high where she could see everything. She really felt special.

The Queen B has an optional bassinet for sleeping or newborn comfort. It is very compact and also comes with a boot-like cover and has a shade. Since it is nice and compact it works well for travel with or without the Queen B tagging along.

Some things to consider that may not make it the match for you: Again, it is
pricier. It does not have drink or snack trays for adult or child. It is heavy- 31 pounds- like most prams are, but it is also extremely sturdy. It is not a tight turning stroller- you will get used to this and this is pretty standard for prams. This is not a compact stroller when folded or up.

My favorite things about the B: Amazing storage tray, great height for child's viewing pleasure, reversible seat, bassinet for sleep!

Sleep Tip: The bassinet folds up small making it great for bringing on trips or wherever you need a sleep-on-the-go option.

If you decide the Queen B is for you, you can buy it online or at a store near you.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sticking to Our Guns

I was having a conversation the other day with a friend. She was telling me that on her camping trip that past weekend her 22-month old learned how to climb out of her pack n play for the first time. After trying once and succeeding, she did it repeatedly throughout the night and became unable to settle herself to sleep. A few days after they returned home, her daughter climbed out of her crib once too when aggravated. (They immediately set up
a crib tent to nip this behavior in the bud, which the little girl accepted basically without complaint.)

At different ages and stages our children discover new talents/abilities/skills/self-decided privileges and like to practice these to the chagrin of the parents. It seems to be often unpleasant to guide them back into "correct" behavior or adequate sleep as my experiences relate. We parent may have to endure "crying it out" or protests or tiredly staying consistent to help our children move past these disruptions in their sleep. It is hard to avoid wavering from our decided path and falling into the path of just doing whatever to avoid conflict or crying.

But, I do implore you to be deliberate in the decisions you make about sleep at 1pm when you put your two-year old down for their nap, as well as at 3am when your child wakes up with a variety of requests. If your child begins to try something new, you also may need to try something new and establish new boundaries that fit the situation. If your child starts climbing out of his crib before you feel he is ready for a bed, put on a crib tent on it- even though it may cause your child to protest. If your child gets sick and subsequently gets in the habit of looking to you to soothe them in the middle of the night- allow them the chance to rediscover how to soothe themselves and not look to you. If your child takes hours to fall asleep at night because they have requested you leave a light on in their room, turn it off.

As parents, we need to figure out what is best for our children and be deliberate and intentional about our follow-through. If we decide that sleep is very important to our child's health, brain development, attitude and emotions, and the sanity of our home we need to deliberately strive to get our little ones the sleep they need, even if it means they cry, or whine, or yell no. Stick to your guns.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Summer Pajamas

My kids love new jammies. With their quick growth we are always needing more jammies for each season. So, here are some great summer pajama finds for your perusing... New Jammies sells 100% Organic Cotton pajamas that are delicious! New Jammies has a concern for the material that touches your child's skin and eating right. They are concerned with childhood obesity, child eating habits, and the lack of fruits and veggies in the American child's diet. They have a whole line of pajamas that literally cover your child with the fruits and veggies that we should all be eating daily. (They also have a cute Nature's Critters line and a Sporty Kids line). "Available in sizes 12 mo-6, these
snug fitting jammies are all natural and are designed in accordance with
consumer safety products
regulations for untreated snug fitting sleepwear."
For the warm summer nights, they have cute short sets. They come in a draw string bag with a little book about fruits and veggies. My kids have asked for me to read this book every night for the past week. They would definately make a cute gift as well as a great addition to your summer pj wardrobe. These sell for $32. New Jammies is offering Lullaby Luna readers 20% off your purchase of short pj sets, use the code: LUNAPJS49 (this code is good for one month).

Kushies just came out with an adorable and modern new organic line on top of their pre-existing products. They have Safari Organic pajamas, onesies, gowns, and more for babies. They are 100% organic cotton and very soft- just what you want for your little one. They are cute and come in great color options: "Safari animal
embroideries and appliqués along with soft solid colors and yarn dye stripes
embellish each style of this environmental organic layette collection. The collection is offered in Green, Pink, Blue or
." These come in Newborn through 12 month sizes. They retail for $18. Kushies is offering Lullaby Luna readers a 10% discount on your purchase, use the code: ll10 (good only for shipments in the U.S.).

Sara's Prints are imaginative, great quality, fun pajamas- they come in a variety of prints your kids will love- mine do! I found out something new while reviewing Sara's Prints, "All loose-fitting children's sleepwear from size 9m to size 14 is
required by law to be flame resistant. So far, so fair. So we set
about fin
ding a way to make the best fire-safe pajamas. And now we’re
going a step further: our new cotton/modacrylic pajamas and nightgowns
are super-soft, colorful, breathable and inherently flame resistant so
they do not go through a flame resistant
chemical treatment! To insure top quality, consistency, and
durability, we use cotton that is grown right here in the USA. We take
great care to insure that all of our sleepwear meets very strict
quality standards so that you and your loved one can sleep well tonight." I was actually not aware of this- this is why many
pajamas make a big deal about being tight fitting- then, they don't have to be treated with chemicals to be fire resistant. But, think about your little girl's nightgowns... there is a chance they have been chemically treated. Sara's Prints gives you another option- environmentally friendly since no chemicals are used, breathable material, naturally anti-static, regular laundering. They retail for $26-$39 depending on what you are getting. Sara's Prints is offering Lullaby Luna readers a 15% discount on orders of $50 or more, use the code: luna.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Flame-Resistant Jammies

Q: What are the regulations for pajamas and flame-resistance?
A: Cotton garments are approved for sleepwear if they are snug fitting- meaning they eliminate airspace between skin an fabric which reduces flammability. These pajamas are labeled "wear snug fitting." If they are not snug fitting they need to be deemed flame resistant.

Q: What fabrics are used for pajamas?
  • Polyester (inherently flame resistant because "flame retardants are chemically inserted during the manufacturing process and become part of the molecular composition of the fabric. There is little likelihood that any chemicals could be released." All synthetic fabrics either have a flame resistant inserted into the fabric or are treated by a chemical on the outside of the fabric.)
  • Treated cotton (Some companies are "marketing 100% cotton flame retardant pajamas. Most are using a treatment called PROBAN"- which is a flame retardant added after the pajamas are finished. "Studies show the fabric has a low release of chemicals and does not cause skin irritation, yet some customers still have concerns about the THPC used in the process...")
  • Untreated cotton (These are snug fitting. These are a good choice and eliminate any concerns regarding chemical treatment. You can even buy organic cotton for a more pure cotton.)
Q:What are flame resistant fabrics treated with?
A: If they are not inherently flame resistant, they are treated with a chemical.

Q: How can I find out if my child's pajamas have been treated with a chemical?
A: Read the label and/or call the company. And try to keep up to date on the latest in chemical treatments, so you can make the best choice for your family. Also, try to choose the best option for your child. Consider: your worry and the danger of fire in your home (think about candles and other small "fires" we innocently burn... And consider the concern of possibly dangerous chemicals.

Q: Are the chemicals used safe?
A: It depends on who you are, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, yes. According to the EU and the Environment Working Group there are serious concerns. More research is being done to see the effects.

The Environment Working Group
Environment California
Article, "Flame-Resistant Baby Pajamas Controversy" by Lisa Prague
The Consumer Product Safety Commission

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Ewww! Bed Bugs Beware?!

Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite tonight. Bed bugs? What are they? Who has even gotten bed bug bites? Over a year ago my husband got bed bug bites when he was staying at a hotel in Los Angeles on a business trip. And then last summer he got them at a hotel in Panama. So, they really are a real thing that can effect you... and they are making a comeback.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, "Recently the little bugs have hitched a ride back to the U.S., courtesy of increased international travel."

You may be wondering, what are bed bugs? "According to the University of Kentucky, they are small, brownish insects with flattened bodies that hide close to where people sleep, like in mattresses, box springs, bed frames or headboards. Bed bugs feed on blood, and they are typically active at night. Bites can result in an itchy red welt or swelling, but some people have no reaction at all. (Unfortunately, not the case for my husband.)

And how do you get rid of them or avoid them?
  • First, you can see them- so look around in all those places that they hide!
  • If you are traveling take a look around the hotel room. Look for the actual bug and look on mattresses for dark spots- blood or fecal matter on mattresses (from the bugs) is another sign- report findings to hotel staff immediately and relocate!!!!
  • If you get bed bugs while traveling- thoroughly examine your stuff when you come home- you can bring those breeding bugs right into your home.
  • If you do have bed bugs in your home- call an exterminator and thoroughly clean (wash, vacuum and seal anything and everything- there are many resources online to help.

Sleeping Bags

Summer has officially started and hopefully with it vacations. If you are a camper and are ready to embark on your first camping trip with the little ones, you are going to have to invest in a sleeping bag of one sort or another. I suggest getting a 40 degree bag. This will work great for most summer camping- if you live in a colder region or classify yourself as more of the hardcore backpacker you may need to adjust your needs accordingly. But for the average "car camper", I wouldn't worry about the weight of the bag or invest in something much warmer than 40 degrees. But please get something warm enough- nobody sleeps well (including YOU) when the little ones are cold. There are many "cute" camping sets available that don't actually provide a bag that is warm enough- consider this when you are making your purchase.

Here are two great options to consider as you begin gearing up for that first trip:

LL Bean has a 40 degree Kids Camp Bag, Wildlife Print in a variety of great colors for $39. It fits up to a 4'6" child. It has a nylon shell with polyester fill. Polyester with cotton lining dries quickly in case there are any unfortunate accidents of one kind or another. You can machine wash it in a front-loading washer. It is sturdy, comfortable, soft, and warm. My son loves the wildlife camouflage print.

Sierra Designs has a 40 degree bag in either Dragonfly or Big Dog (girls and boys bags) for $70-89. They also have 20 degree options if you are in a colder climate. It is a light weight bag- 1 lb. 13 oz. It has a tricot-lined foot box for extra warm feet, and ergonomic hood, and a built-in pillow. It is made out of HeatSync Insulation- has a nylon shell and polyester liner. It is very comfortable. My daughter loves the pillow, the extra chest pocket for storing her flashlight or tucking her teddy bear in, the interior clothes warming pocket for those chilly mornings, and the attached stuff sack- no more misplacing that darn thing.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sleep Ponderings from Me: My Weekend Camping Trip

This weekend our family went camping. Overall it was a pretty good trip and of course our kids had a blast- there is something about being outside 24-7 and dirt that just make them happy- a s'more or two and hanging out with friends help too.

So, how did sleep go on this trip? Great!

We got to our camp site late on Friday night- way past our kids bedtime- thankfully they slept in the car on the two hour trip before we stopped for dinner. We set up our tent trailer, got everyone's sleeping bags out, turned on the sound spa, and we all went to bed. My baby sleeps in a Kidco tent which is great, and my other two in 40 degree sleeping bags. I sometimes double up on pjs if it is really cold. And for my baby, I almost always double pjs and use a baby sleep bag.

Since, we had such a late night on Friday and a fun morning playing at the lake... all three kids took afternoon naps on Saturday (usually only my baby does). My oldest gets warm very easily, so she didn't want to sleep in the tent trailer... I reclined a camp chair and she slept for an hour or so on that.

And they all slept well on Saturday night- it was a bit cooler, so we turned on a borrowed tent heater and put it closer to the baby. Temperature can be tricky when camping- it is hard to sleep if it is cold. Try to make sure your kids are warm, and you will all sleep much better.

Necessities: Sound spa, sleeping bags and/or some sort of baby sleeping device, warm pjs (multiple layers).. see tips from my last post on camping.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sunday Sleep Dilemma

Q: How do you camp with kids, so they get the sleep they need?

A: I have friends that love to camp, my husband loves to camp... so when I was finally coerced to go camping with family in tow, I was a bit nervous and skeptical about how sleeping would go.

My only camping experience with kids had been when my oldest daughter was 1 1/2 years old- we camped in a tent, under a tree (where a branch tapped on the tent all night), near a train, and next to some noisy neighbors. We slept horribly, and I vowed to never camp again with kids.

Well, as things go, I decided to try it again. This time I was much better prepared and thought out the whole sleeping arrangement much more carefully (amazing what a few years of parenting under your belt will do for you). I brought an infant travel bed for my baby (who was only two months old at the time), and my other two children were old enough to sleep in sleeping bags. I also brought a sound spa (with extra batteries). It went pretty well. They took a bit longer to calm down at bedtime due to the excitement of vacation... but slept well.

Since, I have camped many times... naps, bedtime have all gone fine. I highly recommend giving it a try if you too are being coerced by an avid camper in your life.

Camping tips:
-Use a sound spa (bring lots of extra batteries).
-Bring an appropriate bed for your child: pack n play, Phil & Teds Traveller, Kidco Tent, infant travel bed, sleeping bag (choose an appropriate warmth for your location...).
-You can get tents with room dividers- they can be helpful. Tent trailers and trailers/motor homes are also a nice indulgence.
-Dress your kids for the temperature- feel free to double up on pajamas, try a baby sleep bag.
-Keep to your sleep schedule as much as possible- bank on tired kids- got to love a day outside.
-Have your kids practice how you want them to go to sleep.
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