Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Article Review: "Sleep Baby Sleep: Parents' Behavior has Direct Impact on Children's Slumber

I just read an article conducted by the Department of Psychology at the Universit de Montral and its affiliated hospital. This study "investigated how parenting can affect sleep in children."

So, you are wondering? Can I mess up my baby/child's sleep? This study indicates that "the way parents put their babies to bed has a direct impact on how well children sleep when they reach four to six years old." I have always known that the way you put your baby to sleep is extremely important and lasting, but here you can statistically see how much it impacts them.

"The researchers found that the manner 29-to41 month old toddlers were put to sleep influenced how they would slumber between the ages of 4 to 6. Parents behaviors that most affected childrens' sleep included:
  • Giving children food or drink after they awoke, which provoked bad dreams, sleep of less than 10 hours or delays in falling back asleep.
  • Co-sleeping with children when they awoke delayed their falling back asleep by 15 minutes."
The researchers also found:
  • Mothers often think that infants cry only when hungry and so they may continue to respond with food or drink when 29-41 month old toddlers awake- which can cause bad dreams and shorter total sleep when children reach 4 to 6 years old.
  • "Parents often opt for co-sleeping as a reaction, but co-sleeping is not the best option to prevent future sleep difficulties. Co-sleeping and other uncommon parental behaviors have negative consequences for future sleep."
I just heard a mother of six speak on Creating Independence in Your Children, she said to be careful that when you make a parenting decision you are making it as a choice on how you want to parent and not as a way to avoid a struggle. Keep this principle in mind as you decide how you want your infant, baby, child to go to sleep for naps and each night.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Sleep Product Review

So, what do you do when your new baby starts finding a way to escape from your oh-so-tight burrito wrap (swaddle)? You tried having them sleep unswaddled and it just didn't go very well. They still sleep so much better swaddled... what to do...

Kiddopotamus makes a wonderful swaddling blanket. It is easy, adjustable, and it will keep your baby snug in a swaddle a bit longer. I prefer the cotton over the fleece, and the organic option is wonderful.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Question for You

Answer the following questions yes/true or no/false.
1. My child/children wake me up on a regular basis.
2. My child/children have sleep "issues".
3. I am always tired.
4. I do not know how to get my child to sleep through the night.
5. I do not know how to get my child to take a nap.
6. We do not have a sleep routine in our house.
7. We do not have a sleep schedule in our house.
8. I have never thought about a child's sleep environment.
9. My child has consistently poor behavior where it is hard for them to keep it together.
10. My child goes to bed when I do.
11. My child cannot go to sleep unless I am holding him.
12. My child cannot go to sleep unless he is moving (car, swing...).
13. My child cannot put himself back to sleep.
14. My child falls asleep in class.
15. My child has problems focusing and paying attention in class.
If you answered yes to more than one of these questions you may be in need of a sleep consultant.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Saturday Sleep Tip: SIDS

I just read an article stating that ""Infant mortality rates attributable to accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed have quadrupled since 1984," the CDC's Carrie Shapiro-Mendoza and colleagues wrote.

Wow! Parents of infants/newborns I would take a minute and read this article: Infant Suffocation Rates Quadruple.

SIDS prevention tips:

  • put your baby to sleep on her back
  • avoid soft bedding
  • never smoke in her room
  • don't share a bed with your baby
  • keep a fan running during sleep: portable or ceiling
*And having a carbon-monoxide detector is a good idea.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Question for You

Q: How long is/was your newborn awake between naptimes?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sleep Product Review:

Check out some of my favorite newborn sleep products: Newborn Sleep Products
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