Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sunday Sleep Dilemma

Q: My in-laws insist that the kids need to stay up and participate in our entire Christmas Eve celebration, this goes until after 11pm many years, then they are so tired the next morning to really enjoy our Christmas?

A: If comfortable I would have you or your husband discuss your needs with them. Come to some sort of compromise. Maybe start the celebrating/presents earlier and then have an adult dinner later when the kids go to bed. Or focus on the kids for the beginning of the celebration and then when coffee is served have the kids go to bed and continue with the adults. Bottom line is that you have to look out for what is best for your children. Do the best you can to let the grandparents enjoy the kids and this time with them, but also respect your child's sleep and your families needs. They may just have to get over it.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Saturday Sleep Tip

The excitement of Christmas and Santa coming down the chimney with care is enough to keep any child up. I suggest that you read a nice Christmas story and emphasize the idea that the sooner they go to sleep the sooner they will get to wake up and see what Santa brought. Remember, Santa can't come until the children are sleeping all snug in their beds.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sleep Ponderings from Me: Holidays

As the exciting holidays approach you have to make lots of choices when you have children. Do you vaguely remember those pre-children days where you went to every holiday event without a care in the world? Where you would stay out until whenever and know that sleep could be reclaimed the next morning?

Well, since those days are over choices have to be made.
We have to decide when to get a babysitter (if you can find one during the holiday season), when to take the kids, when to let the kids stay up later, when to skip a nap... The holiday season can leave you and your kids thoroughly exhausted. So, think about the choices you are going to have to make.
  • Plan now for the babysitters you will need so you can go out.
  • Plan out how you can get your kids enough sleep on the actual chaotic holiday(s). Getting your kids enough sleep can help you avoid meltdowns, tantrums, and whatever else bright colors, lights, sugar, and gifts stimulate in a child.
  • If you know your kids are going to have to stay up late, try to offset that with a nap.
  • Limit sugar as best you can... for all the obvious reasons.
  • With all the excitement make sure you help them wind down before taking a nap or going to bed.
  • If it is going to be the best idea for your child to go to bed at another location- bring whatever you need- pjs, pack n play, noise maker, blankie...
  • Make age appropriate decisions: Celebrate the holiday, so that they participate in some of it, you and the grandparents can get pictures, and then they can go to sleep- they don't need to participate in the entire holiday when they are young
  • Plan some mellow post-holiday days with some extra sleep and rest to recuperate from the crazy holiday(s)
You will all enjoy and get the most out of the holidays if you get enough sleep. Enjoy all the extras within reason. Find balance this holiday season between the fun, festivities, and sleep.

Question for You

How do the holidays effect your child's sleep?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Question for You

What does your non-napping child do during their quiet time/rest time?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Sleep Dilemma

Q: My non-napping four-year old son will not stay in his room during his daily quiet time? How do I get him to do this?

A: First you need to make sure you are being clear in what he needs to do. Maybe use a timer for the time or be clear in the cause and effect of the situation or set-up a few easy to remember quiet time rules. You may need to try out a few things and see what works:
  • silently take him back to his room over and over again for a few days until he gets it.
  • punish him with a consequence for disobeying
  • use a sticker chart everytime he stays in his room and follows your quiet time rules/expectations or some other motivational tool
  • try having his quiet time in another room- maybe his room is too stimulating

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saturday Sleep Tip

Some good rest time activities are workbooks, puzzles, magnadoodles, books- maybe a different basket for rest time books, a sorting or matching activity. I suggest something quiet they can do while lying on their bed- if this works for your situation.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sleep Ponderings from Me

What do you do with the loss of naptime? It is a sad day when naptime ends all together! This is a SAHM's time to get everything done- you have a couple hours to clean, prep dinner, do the laundry, maybe take a nap or sometime for yourself on a good day.... and now it is gone.

I encourage you to continue expecting some sort of quiet time or rest time from your child. Set a timer, so you both know how long this period will be. Have them lay down and rest, or read a basket of books, or choose an activity out of a basket reserved for this time, or play quietly in their room during this time. You still need to get stuff done, and they need to have some more chill and relaxing time during their busy day. Again, like everything in parenting be consistent and set up this expectation clearly for your child.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Question for You

At what age did your child stop taking a nap?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sleep Product Review: "Nap26"

I recently tried a sleep product for adults. It is called "Nap26" by POWR NAPS sleep system. It claims to make you feel like you slept for 3 hours after 26 minutes; energized and refreshed without drowsiness; and more.

I have done this 26 minute nap most weekdays over the past couple weeks. And it really does work. I don't know if I feel like I took a 3 hour nap but maybe. I definitely feel refreshed and not drowsy.

You have to put this on something where you can wear ear buds or headphones. I fall asleep in the first few minutes each time and then wake up a couple minutes before the 26 minutes ends. It works the same time every time I do it.

I highly recommend it for anyone who needs a pick-me up during the day, but has limited time.

Their website is

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday Sleep Dilemma

Q: How do I get my child to wake up later? There wake up time is messed up from the time change.

A: If you want them to get up at 7 every morning don't go and get them until 7. It may take a little bit to adjust them to the new time. Remember, every time you go and get them at the earlier time that is extending the process and helping them form a habit. It is always sad to listen to them cry... but we always need to stay focused on the fact that they need the sleep, and we need the sleep.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Saturday Sleep Tip

Even if there is fussing, complaining, back-pedaling be consistent in your child's sleep and make sure they get enough sleep. Consistency will help quiet the complaints.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Sleep Ponderings: Time Change

As you face any difficulties related to the time change you may want to take some time to tune-up your child's sleep. Here are some reminders:
  • Is your child's room dark? Darkness triggers sleep. You can pick up some roller black-out shades at Lowe's or Home Depot- ready to install. You can also order some nicer black-out cell shades from a number of on-line or local window covering vendors. I highly recommend something.
  • Are you using some sort of noise maker? Those birds are chirping a bit earlier these days- a "sound spa" or fan can help drown out those early morning sounds. Just because the birds are up doesn't mean we should be up.
  • Does your bedtime and wake-up routine have consistency? If it doesn't adjust. An easy, short routine is usually best.
  • It is dark earlier now- take the opportunity to easily adjust bedtimes that need to be adjusted. Over and over I am confronted with overtired kids. A kid does not need to be falling asleep to be ready for bed.

Question for You

How is the time change going for you?
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