Saturday, August 29, 2009

Oh Sweet Sleep, How I Miss You!

Oh sweet sleep
I miss you so much
I wake every hour to pee
A drop
I wake every night to a stab below the knee
Leg cramps- I won't miss you!
and Pee
Oh to avoid you?
I walk, I stretch, I drink
And yet I wake and I wake to each little ache
Please oh body give me a break!

*I challenge you to write your own poem to the sleep you miss during pregnancy and easily show me up!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Question for You

Q: Tell us about a crazy/interesting pregnancy dream.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Suzy is a mother of a little boy who is 2 1/2. She is due in September with another little boy Here she shares her struggles and perspective on sleep during pregnancy.

Sleep has always come easy for me. I fall asleep easy, sleep through almost anything and never have a problem getting up. Being 7 1/2 months pregnant has challenged me in this department. I find I have to stay up way later then I normally would in order not to wake up at 3:00am unable to go back to sleep. I have to wake up to go to the bathroom several times and seem to toss and turn all night. I don't sleep 8 hours straight which is very unusual for me. I am lucky in that I can take a nap when my 2 1/2 year old son does and that seems to make up the difference. I use a body pillow, It's full length and helps to make sleeping more comfortable and even when I turn it feels better to have the little bit of support against my back. I usually take a nap on the couch for the same reason... to be able to support my back . I figure the kind of sleep I'm getting now prepares me for the 0-3 months with a newborn. I know with my son those first couple months sleep was more like "survival sleep". It does serve to remind you what a blessing a good nights sleep can be.

Monday, August 17, 2009

ZZZZZZZs- Are You the Pregnant Snorer?

Snoring during pregnancy is normal- so if this a new habit of yours- don't worry it to will pass, as will most of the other pregnancy intruders. If this is causing marital distress you can try to explain that this will be short lived. I'm sure your husband will understand! But, if you want to give a new, all natural product a try... snoring may subside earlier than 40 weeks.

Silent Snooz is a "a unique, one-size-fits-all, v-shaped nasal dilator with oval ends that fit comfortably onto the base of the nose. The strength of the dilator was designed to exert sufficient, gentle, "barely there" pressure to effectively open the nasal passages." So, if you and your partner are losing sleep over too many booming zzzzzzzzs I would give Silent Snooz a try. It comes in three scents: Eucalyptus, Lavender, and Fragrance Free. Price: $12.99 (you can use for 30 days)

Comment on this post for the chance to win your very own Silent Snooz!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Pillows They Make Sleep So Much Better

Finding a great body pillow or pillow arrangement is key to a comfortable nights sleep!

Snoozer is a great brand that I have recently become familiar with. They offer a variety of sizes and shapes for pillows great for pregnancy and even after. They are also available in synthetic and natural goose down fillers, as well as in a CoolBreathe memory foam. If you are looking for a full length body pillow the DreamWeaver is a great option- it can be used in place of a pillow due to its curve or with a pillow. You can also wrap it around you and you it as a nursing pillow when the baby is born. If you are not looking for a full body pillow the Snoozer Upper Body pillow and Snoozer Jr. are good options. These pillows are all remarkably comfortable, easy to move and adjust while sleeping, and useful after birth.

Boppy also makes the Boppy Cuddle Pillow. It is designed to be positioned between your legs and your belly. It provides more support than a regular pillow helping your spine to stay aligned as you sleep on your side and provide tummy support.

There are many great options for making your sleep during pregnancy more manageable. You will need to find the one that works best for you, your sleep positions, and your body. I suggest trying it out while it is still in the package and return as needed. You may even want to purchase a few in your desperation to have a good night sleep 'tonight' and return the ones that don't work.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Tips for NORMAL Sleep Problems in Pregnancy

1. Can't Get Comfortable: Try to create a sort of nest of pillows or find a body pillow that works for you, sleep on your left side.

2. Frequent Urination: Limit the amount you drink before bed and make sure you completely empty your bladder before laying down!

3. Heartburn/Indigestion: Avoid foods that trigger it, eat smaller meals more frequently, chew-chew-chew, don't eat a couple hours before bed, elevate your head when it is bothering you, talk to your doctor about it.

4. Insomnia: Don't just lay in your bed counting sheep to 1000- only lay there for up to 30 minutes, go do something calming and then try again, don't stress or worry about it- relax!, think about your bedtime routine each night.

5. Leg Cramps: Stretch throughout the day, try to slowly move your legs when you wake up and don't do a big stretch right away, exercise/walk daily, lie on your left side to increase circulation, Drink Water!, relax, tell your doctor.

6. Snoring: Try a product like Silent Snooz it may just work for you, sleep on your side, keep weight gain to the recommended amount.

7. Vivid Dreams: Share them, laugh at them.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Question for You

Q: What was the worst thing about sleeping while pregnant?

Monday, August 10, 2009

Earth Mama 'Peaceful Mama Tea' Give-A-Way

To enter: Go to the Earth Mama Angel Baby website and find a product that interests you- comment on the product on this post.

Also, check out Earth Mama's Herbal Remedies for Sleep Problems.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Before Snuggling into Bed for a Rocky Nights Sleep

Pregnancy is not the time in your life where sleep is usually categorized as "awesome". Pregnancy begins with peeing throughout the night, leg cramps, heartburn, indigestion, and waking to morning sickness and an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion that increases throughout the day until you finally find yourself in a pile on the couch barely able to lift your head. (Maybe somewhat of an exaggeration but not by much).

Sleep can become very frustrating, so I encourage you to create a bedtime routine that focuses on you and relaxation before turning off the lights. Figure out a routine that helps you forget the worries and stresses of life and just quietly revel in the little life growing inside of you.

Here are a few products you may want to incorporate into your bedtime routine:

Begin your routine with a warm bath (not too hot) and let the days activities melt away. Bubble and Bee makes a wonderful, Chemical free, 100% Natural, Organic Fresh Lavender Shower Gel (beyond safe for you and your growing baby). It has a soothing smell and smooth feel with a great lather.

After your bath where all your worries evaporate!! Rub on some of Bubble and Bee's Organic Body Butter- this comes in an Unscented formula for those with the sensitive pregnancy nose. I remember hating any sort of smell when I was going to sleep or really during my entire pregnancy. Unlike many body butters this one absorbs into the skin without leaving a greasy feeling. And if pregnancy does not make you shy away from fragrance they have some lovely smelling options.

Another wonderful after body lotion, with a little smell, is Sweetsation Therapy's Organic Ellasti Body Hydrating Caviar Butter. It is full of all kinds of good stuff for your skin, has a light citrusy scent, and goes on smooth leaving your skin feeling soft. The citrus essential oil scent is said to be helpful in relieving stress and tension- exactly what you want to do as you wind down. (For a 20% discount on products use Code: 112093109 at checkout, expires 12//31/09).

After the bath, you will be cozy in pajamas and ready to settle down to a book and a cup of Organic Peaceful Mama Tea from Earth Mama. This tea is USDA certified 100% Organic; it will help you calm your mind and relax. "Formulated with tension easing lemon balm, calcium rich oat straw, calming chamomile, and a whiff of red raspberry leaf and orange peel to ensure a comforting cup." It really is the perfect end to your sleep routine!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sunday Sleep Dilemma: Leg Cramps

Q: Are leg cramps during pregnancy normal?

A: Yes, I have many many memories of the jolting pain of a leg cramp waking me up in the middle of the night or the pain first thing in the morning. I even had a dream once (got to love pregnancy dreams) where I was being chased through my parent's house while it was under construction by some one, and he stabbed me in my leg... wake to find myself holding my cramped leg.

I found that not flexing my legs in the morning helped the leg cramps I got in the morning. I always tried to stretch my leg slowly pointing and flexing my foot until the cramp loosened. Other than that, I didn't really find much relief- unless you call saying "Ow Ow Ow" and grabbing my husband's arm relief.

Some suggestions from the professionals: exercise/walk daily, stretch throughout the day, focus on good circulation, drink lots of water, limit the amount of time you sit cross legged, take a warm bath to relax.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Pregnant Mama Shares

Susan, mother of two sweet children (4 and 2) with a baby due in the next week shares her sleep issues as pregnancy comes to a close.

As I write this, I’m in my 39th week of pregnancy, it’s 3 AM… and I’m awake. Pretty standard fare these days.

While exhaustion besets me for much of the day, I’m usually awake for an hour or two each night between 1:30 and 4 AM. Unlike many pregnant women at my stage, it’s not primarily discomfort or tossing and turning that keeps me awake at night… I just wake up and can’t go back to sleep. Hormones, perhaps, or some kind of strange psychological ramping up for those coming night feeds – who knows? After about 20 – 30 minutes of lying awake in bed I get up to read or otherwise distract my brain for a bit before returning to sleep. Lately I’ve been finding that while I can’t sleep during these hours, I can’t not sleep in the early afternoon during my preschool-age kids’ naps. Exhaustion takes over and my brain and body simply shut down.

I’m fortunate not to struggle with back pain, heartburn, leg cramps, or any of the other major sleep-related problems that women in the final days of their pregnancies. Just the standard miniscule bladder that drives me to the bathroom every 2 – 3 hours and the obligatory three pillows (one for head, one for belly, one between legs) littering the mattress around my sleeping body. I do have a body pillow but have recently been finding the multiple individual pillow approach more comfortable.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Product Review:

Moody Mamas is a company that makes pregnant and breastfeeding mamas feel "empowered, vivacious, and sexy." This cute nightie is one example of how they have accomplished that goal. It is made from the softest modal and spandex. It comes in a pretty pink with black lace accents. This is a great summer addition to your pregnancy wardrobe that can also be used after birth for breastfeeding. (It has concealed nursing slits.) Price: $68 (and take a minute and check out Moody Mamas Steals and Deals as well as the rest of their clothing line- very impressive).

Bumbleride Queen B Give-A-Way

All subscribers are eligible to win a Bumbleride Queen B Stroller and Bassinet this month.

To win: Make a comment on this post AND subscribe to LullabyLuna.

Bumbleride Queen B is a great stroller worth over $500.
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