Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sleep Ponderings from Me

Parents and Sleep: My kids are great sleepers. All three go to bed at seven and wake up at seven (give or take a few). They all go to bed fairly well- I of course hear the normal "just one mores" from my two-year old and four-year old... one more drink, got to go potty again... but really they go to sleep pretty easily.
But still, it seems like more often than I would like one of them is up in the night for some valid reason or another- bad dream, potty, sick, got stuck, fell out of bed, started rolling over and didn't like it, or whatever it may be. And although many times they go back to sleep without me even getting up, I still get woken up. This causes interruption in my sleep cycles, possibly causing the thoughts I had put to rest hours ago to begin again, the need to go potty, or whatever else adds to my sleep pause. Why is it that a mother's ears are so attune to their child's voices?
I love my babies, and I am so blessed to be able to take care of them full-time, but sometimes you just have to complain :). And I have been told numerous times by an amazing woman that this is the tiredest you will ever be. Sleep will come mamas.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Question for You

How do you create an adequate sleep environment for your child/children when you travel?

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sleep Ponderings from Courtney: Oklahoma Travel Reflection

First off, I have to say that my son is adorable... I hear him talking... as he is going to sleep, I hear him listing off all of our names and saying "Mama loves me... Papa loves me, etc." Too cute.

Now for my reflections on my travels to Oklahoma: Traveling in the airplane went just as I had expected. Going through security was long and a pain; I even had to wake my sweet baby from her peaceful sleep in her carseat. But, we got through and made it to the gate. On the plane, the older two kids skipped naps and my four month old napped in the indispensable sling which I equate to a life-saving device. My sweet baby was amazing- slept in the cozy sling for a good portion and then was awake for a bit. It was not easy or peaceful to say the least- but we made it and with only a minimal amount of dirty looks.

They adjusted fairly well to Oklahoma time. We had some later nights due to fun activities, but we basically ran on the new time zone. My two-year old and baby took their naps, and my baby got all her sleep on schedule.

Things to think about when traveling: How can you best create a similar sleep environment to the one they are used to at home (darkness, noise, times, sleep length, etc.)? Which fun events should you choose and which should you pass on to not overextend your child? (leaving you both miserable) Are babysitters an option? (so you can partake in all the fun and they can partake in all the sleep.)

Enjoy the rest of your summer travels. I wish that you will travel with husband in toe- the more hands the better.

Question for YOU

Do you get enough sleep?

please submit answers through comments

Monday, July 21, 2008

Sleep Product Review: Noise Maker/Sound Spa

White noise, sound spa, noise maker, fan...

I have found that some sort of noise making machine is helpful in sleep (especially when you have a small or loud house). After various loud sounds would wake my first child ALL THE TIME, I began using a fan to drown out outside noises during sleep.

After my fan stopped working- they do get old... I switched to a "sound spa". I have a Conair Infant Sound Machine in two of our bedrooms. I love this one- great sound selection, clock, reliable, easy to use, plug or batteries. (*The battery feature is great for traveling.) I have used a few other "sound spas" and this is currently my favorite. I have had no problems with this one. I have had difficulty finding it in stores- but it is easy to find online. Any other favorites.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday Sleep Tip

Sleep begets sleep. I think many of us are under the natural assumption that the later we keep our kids up the later they will sleep. This idea is false. My kids sleep best when they are well slept. Simply remember that sleep begets sleep.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Summer Travels: Airplane Travel

I am about to leave to visit friends in Oklahoma... three kids, sans husband. We are flying... thank goodness for a direct flight! It is a three hour flight and we will be flying during two of the kids' naptimes... What to do about naps? Skip the nap, nap when we get there, try for a nap on the plane???

My four year-old doesn't take a nap, just a rest, so we are good there. My two year-old takes a two to three hour nap daily. I am going to have him skip the nap and go to bed a bit earlier, as long as he isn't completely wound up from being in a new place. And my three month-old... I am going to wear a sling (holds her tight like swaddling and provides some darkness) and give her a paci or nurse her to sleep on the plane. Thankfully, she is still at a pretty easy stage for naps on the go, although they have become lessAnd I think we will be well-slept, at least as good as it gets for traveling.

When I arrive in Oklahoma, we will have a two-hour time difference to deal with. I will switch them all immediately to Oklahoma time for sleep schedules. This is when it is good that they are worn out from traveling; they are usually always ready to sleep.

I think it is good to go into traveling with a plan that will optimize and make sleep possible, but also with the realistic expectation that things will not always go as intended. So, do your best when traveling. But, be ready to be flexible and adjust for circumstances: flights being delayed, the flight attendant waking everyone up on the plane as she asks "what beverage would you like? peanuts anyone?", one of the kids needing to go potty and you having to truck the whole group to the miniscule bathroom, or whatever it may be. Smile. You can always have a margarita when you get there. And remember do your best to allow for sleep: well-slept children will make the trip more enjoyable for everyone.
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