Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Teenage Sleep Dilemma

Teenagers need about 8.5-9.5 hours of sleep a night. For many teens it is difficult to fall asleep as early as they need to in order to get this needed sleep and making it to morning classes or just to school. As a parent you do need to advocate and set boundaries that encourage and promote your child getting this needed sleep.

Turning off tv/video games/computers an hour or two before bedtime, stopping exercise a few hours before, not eating or consuming caffeine a few hours before are all ways to help promote an easier trip to dreamland. Also, providing your child with an understanding of the importance of sleep can help (wait until they are in a receptive mood!). You may even encourage them to come up with a bedtime routine of sorts- shower or bath, brush teeth, read for a little bit before bed (not in bed) and then turn in for the night at a time that allows for their needed 8.5-9.5 hours of sleep.

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